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Psychological Traits of a Good White Collar Worker

Psychological Traits of a Good White Collar Worker

Baby Boomers remember the old days that had set working hours. You went to work and then around five p.m., you packed up your stuff and went home. If there were an emergency you might stay until five-thirty.

Those days are gone! White-collar work, sometimes called Knowledge Work, is never done. Your immediate To Do list might have twenty items on it, but right behind the immediate To Do list is a supplemental To Do list with another forty action items on it and after that list is done, there’s a third one waiting.

Most white collar workers today need to be able to work autonomously (that big college word for trusted to work on your own and get it done without supervision). And yet, they also need to be able to work cohesively as part of a team when the need arises.

But not all white collar jobs are created equal. There are some that require a significant amount of team cooperation and offer very little autonomy. There are some that require a large amount of "alone" time and very little public interaction. So if the job requirements themselves differ, doesn't it make sense that what traits make up a "good" employee differ as well?

The Harrison Jobfit Assessment recognizes this fact and configures the assessment to the specific requirements of the particular job in question. Research conducted by Harrison Assessments formulates different sets behavioral factors for more than 650 job types. Each job type also has different behavioral requirements depending on the required management level and experience level. Consequently, by uniquely calibrating management responsibility and experience levels, the Harrison system offers more than 6500 “Job Success Formulas” that predict success for the specific job. Organizations can also make adjustments based upon their unique key performance factors.


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